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Green Ark & Manor Street Children's Centres/Emerging Family Hubs

Solihull Approach Parenting Course

Young girl plays with paint

Do you want to find out more information about your child's development and how your relationship can be more positive?

Solihull Approach Parenting Programme 

Solihull (ante-natal): a 6-week course “understanding your pregnancy” 

Solihull (post-natal): a course focusing on the first 6 months with your baby 

Solihull (6m-19yr): a 10-week course focusing on emotional health & well-being.  Covers topics including 

  • How Your Child Develops 
  • Responding to how you child is feeling 
  • Different styles of parenting and how we were parented 
  • Having fun together 
  • The rhythm of interaction 
  • Why is sleep important 
  • Self-regulation & Anger and Communication Tuning