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Green Ark & Manor Street Children's Centres/Emerging Family Hubs



We are Breastfeeding friendly in all areas of our Children's Centres/Emerging Family Hubs, in addition to this we have allocated comfy spaces for those wishing to breastfeed privately.

We run Latch On groups at both of our Centres/Emerging Family Hubs with a dedicated Latch On peer supporter and trained staff members!
Please see our programme on the' What's On' page for days and times and check out Facebook for any last minute changes.
Who to call:
Midwives and Health Visitors available via phone consult as part of routine/schedule care
Maternity Triage number (whilst under midwifery care) 01752 430200
Health Visiting teams (01752) 434008
National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212
NCT Helpline 0300 330 0700 (8am-midnight every day)
Association of breastfeeding Mothers 08444 122 949 (9.30am-10.30pm)
La Leche League GB Breastfeeding Helpline 0345 120 2918