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Making A Referral

Making A Referral

Referrals to this service can only currently be made via CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service).

Referrals from CAMHS are received into the service 6-8 weeks prior to planned closure from CAMHS/Children’s Services. Once a referral is received and an initial triage is complete, an allocated Wellbeing Worker will begin introduction sessions with the CAMHS key worker and young person to start to agree key objectives and a progression plan. The CAMHS closure date will be agreed with the Young Adult Transition Service allowing for a seamless transition from one service to appropriate wrap around provision.

A Wellbeing Worker will provide up to 12 sessions of provision before stepping clients down to engagement work or peer support.  Equally, young people may be offered up to 12 sessions of engagement work before stepping down to a peer support offer.

Referral Criteria

Before being referred to the service practitioners should consider the following with the young person:

  • Is the young person ready and willing to move on?
  • Do they require support to build resilience and build on coping strategies?
  • Are they ready to engage in wellness planning?
  • Are they ready to engage in the community?
  • Do they require additional support around neurodiversity?

Further information can be found at