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Make A Referral

Space 4 U welcome referrals from anyone


Space 4 U welcomes referrals from anyone, for children aged 5 to 18 from all parts of Derbyshire who are affected by someone else's substance misuse.

Any professional who wants to make a referral should discuss it with the young person and their family first.

When a referral is received it will be acknowledged by one of the team and then logged on our database.

If there is a waiting list then updates can be given if the referrer makes contact with the office on 01246 277 422.

If possible we like the referrer to be involved in an initial visit with the child and/or family to complete some basic paperwork, explain the service in more detail and answer any questions that anyone may have about the process and service in general. 

To download a referral form please click here this can then be submitted by post or email.