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Threemilestone Youth Group

Threemilestone Youth Group

Are you a young person aged 11 - 19 years and those up to 25 with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Are you aged 11 - 19 years or those up to 25 for Young People with a Special Educational Need or Disability?

Do you live in the Threemilestone area....... want to meet your friends or make some new ones?

Why don't you come along to find out more, there will be hot drinks/snacks and a chance to help build a youth lead group in your area.

This is a drop in youth club/group with activities, food, games and more!!.

It will provide a safe space for young people to hang out and interact. It also provides access for young people to youth workers for support advice and guidance.

WHEN: every Thursday :

If your NEET/ Home schooled come along 2pm -3pm

For our Drop In session come along3pm - 6pm

WHERE: Threemilestone Methodist Church, Pengelly Way, Threemilestone  TR3 6DP