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Support for Children and Families in Powys

Setting support

Setting support

We offer setting support for children and young people aged 0–25 years old and who have additional needs.

The support we offer for nursery settings, playgroups and community clubs ranges from telephone discussions, signposting advice, training for specific needs, or a funding contribution towards the provision of an additional staff member.

How to access our service

If your child is open to the Children with Disabilities team, and has a Care & Support Plan completed by their Social Worker, this can be taken to their monthly panel meetings to be assessed for support. Once the support has been agreed at the panel meeting, we will get in touch with you to arrange a visit to complete paperwork and discuss your child’s needs in more detail.

If your child isn’t open to the Children with Disabilities team, a CAF referral form or Care & Support Plan will need to be completed with you by an agency already working with your child to express the need for support. The referral form will then be taken to a triage meeting for discussion and once agreed, we will get in touch with you to arrange a visit to complete paperwork and discuss your child’s needs in more detail.

If your child doesn’t have a disability, but does have an assessed additional need(s), someone already working with your child (i.e. childcare setting, health visitor) will need to complete a CAF referral form with you. The completed form will be sent to the TAF team who will send it onto us, and we can then make contact with the setting and family to start the support.

We work with other local services, such as the Integrated Disability Service, Team around the Family and Children’s Services to help families get the right support at the right time.