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Kernow Connect

Start Now

This website is created and run BY young people in Cornwall FOR young people in Cornwall

Start Now helps Headstart Kernow as film makers; board members; event organisers;  web designers; musicians; artists; interviewers and young people who want to help improve resilience and emotional wellbeing for all 10 - 16 year olds in Cornwall ... To tell you all about #HSKYouth and how you could #StartNow and get involved 

What is Headstart? 

HeadStart will spend the next five years looking at how to help young people with their wellbeing and how to stop young people from developing serious mental health issues. To do this, HeadStart is providing different types of help and support to young people in schools, online and where they live.

Every 10-16 year old in Cornwall is find out more click here to visit their website

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