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Support for Children and Families in Powys

Team around the Family (TAF)

Children reading

Team around the Family is part of the Welsh Government's Families First programme, and aims to play a role in giving children, young people and families a fair start in life.

These are the kinds of things TAF can help with:

  • Help with changing or managing challenging behaviour
  • Parenting: routines, health, stimulation, boundaries etc.
  • Coping with stressful family relationships or friendships
  • Activities to support a child’s development
  • How to listen to the child or help find positive solutions to worries
  • Access to sports, play and leisure
  • Help with social isolation
  • Help avoiding anti-social behaviour
  • Support through times of change
  • Improving a child’s self-esteem
  • Support to engage with school or training.

How does TAF work in Powys?

A practitioner completes a Child and Family Assessment (CAF) referral form, with input from the parent/carer and the child or young person. This assessment includes the child's and family's strengths, as well as any needs for support.

The assessment form is sent to the TAF co-ordination team, who look at what kinds of support might benefit the child and family, and suggest any interventions that can be offered. The team also identify a practitioner who will act as the Family Contact, along with other TAF members who can assist. All these recommendations are passed on to the family to approve.

In more complex cases, there might be a TAF Panel, where the family's situation and support options are discussed in more detail. The family can go along to the TAF Panel if they want the opportunity to approve the suggestions or contribute their own.

A Team Around the Family (or Team Around the Young Person, if they do not have family) meeting is then arranged. The meeting involves the team members working directly with the child/young person/family, and results in an action plan. Further meetings are held regularly to review, monitor and add to this plan.

Further information

To find out more, contact the TAF Co-ordination Team on 01597 826 246 or email [email protected].