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John's Story- Youthbuild

John's Story- Youthbuild

John was referred to Action to Children by his Pupil Support Teacher at High School in 2014. John did not have a great experience at school and his attendance at school had significantly dropped. John started with Action for Children’s Youthbuild Programme in November 2014.

 When working with us

John achieved the following qualifications with Action for Children; CSCS, Abrasive Wheels, Vehicle Reverse Marshalling, Pasma, UKATA Asbestos Awareness, Manual Handling and First Aid. John preferred the practical training and learning something that he could develop a career in. John started a 4 week work trial with Viewforth Glazing after completed his training. Action for Children received great feedback about  John while he was on his trial with regards to work ethic and timekeeping. However it was brought to his key worker’s attention that John lacked some confidence when interacting with his colleagues.

 Support from team

John’s key worker at Action for Children encouraged him to speak with his colleagues regarding hobbies and ask more questions when he is unsure to start to develop a better relationship. His key worker is also asked for positive feedback from his colleague who was working close to him. His colleague was happy to offer positive feedback to John to help build his confidence.

 Happy in the workplace

John has successfully completed his work trial and was offered employment with Viewforth Glazing. John has now been employed for three and a half years and is still enjoying his role.


John's comment about Action for Children:

" Helped me a dose mate, qualifications, experience. It was close to my house and I already knew Action for Children Staff."   

John's comment about Viewforth Glazing:

" Good work with tradesmen who are supportive and are there when you need them. I am learning all aspects of the trade. Everyday is a school day."