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Liam's story - Employability fund stage 3

Liam's story - Employability fund stage 3

Liam was referred onto our Employability fund stage 3 hospitality course in 2016. He was keen to work in hospitality and identified TGI Fridays in particular as being somewhere he would like to work.

Barriers to employment

Liam faced barriers to employment including previous offending, anti-social behaviours and lack of routine. He wanted to do something worthwhile with his time and not waste any more of it on offending and getting himself into trouble.

Liam‘s friend worked in TGI Fridays and had told Liam how much he was enjoying his placement and how many new skills he was learning.

Liam thought this sounded like a great place to work but was worried that his previous offences would put employers off and was reluctant to apply.

What we did

We offered Liam interview preparation and mock interviews in order to build his confidence and give him realistic expectations about what would happen during the interview.

We also utilised Liam’s Barclays Best Foot Forward Funding to buy him interview and work clothes so he could make a smart and professional first impression.

As a result of this practice, his confidence grew and he became more open to both the idea of interviewing with TGI Fridays and with becoming an employee.

Liam was keen to try as many of the work stations as he could and learn as many of the service aspects in TGI Fridays as possible. He knew that this would be hard work and long shifts but was motivated to succeed and make the most of the opportunity.

Happy in his workplace

Liam completed 2 SQA awards to a very high standard and his attendance and attitude were excellent throughout. We managed to find a place with TGI Fridays where he was taken straight onto wages.

We continue to visit Liam as part of our through care service and he is showing himself to be a very hardworking and conscientious member of staff.

He continues to receive positive feedback and is very happy in his workplace.