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Graham's story - Transitions

Graham's story - Transitions

Graham has been in the care system since the age of 4, he has been in numerous care homes and now lives with supported carers.

He was taken into care at an early age due to sexual abuse. Graham is aware of the reasons that he was taken into care and struggles with his Identity as a young man.

Graham has had many setbacks including criminal offences and lack of support from family members who’s attention and support he craves.

He became a recluse, he rarely left the house and fell into a deep depression which he self-medicated with the use of cannabis and alcohol. In turn this lead to conflict in the care homes, resulting in moving frequently.

Referral to Transitions

Graham was referred to Transitions and allocated a key worker. At first he was difficult to engage, however staff persisted in their efforts to engage him in conversation.

Eventually Graham came out the house to meet with staff on a few occasions and further explored his future during conversations with them.

Over the months staff built a relationship with Graham where he was able to trust the worker and went along to various training providers to explore what was on offer.

Staff supported Graham on a few occasions with taster days in training until he felt confident enough to attend a 1 day training on his own, with staff contact during the breaks.

Looking to the future

Graham is currently on a training programme 5 days a week. He knows that if he requires support he can call our staff at any time.

He is now looking at his future and he will be supported to apply for college.

Graham is stable at home with his supported carers and is attending addiction services and engaging fully.

Graham also has a good relationship with his mother and brother which has been achievable through counselling services.