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London Disability and Family Support

Easter Holiday Club 2019

Easter Holiday Club 2019

Did you find any Easter eggs?........We did!!

Our themes where Easter and Jungle animals. We did lots of fun activities such as arts & crafts –Easter baskets and bonnets, Easter and Jungle cookies, Easter egg hunt and party. Messy play textures and smells with jungle animals.

Playing games, playing on climbing frame and pirate ship, riding bikes and scooters in the playground onsite.

Lots of fun trips into the community to the Beasts of London, Trampoline park, Elmer at the Art Depot, Bowling, Thames Valley, Soundpit at Southbank, Shrek adventures, Sea life, Zap Space, Cinema, Kidzania, Aldenham Country Park, London Transport Museum, Drumming workshop, Rapunzel at the   Dugdale centre, RAF museum and Whipsnade zoo.