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London Disability and Family Support

February Half Term 2018

February Half Term 2018

Come and join the fun...

During February half term we had a lot to celebrate, Valentine's day, Shrove Tuesday(Pancake day) and Chinese New Year, its the year of the dog!

We went on lots of trips into the community, Discover Stratford to see The Gruffalo, dragons and other creatures,  a new venue for us The Postal Museum to the exhibition and their soft play area, Bloomsbury Bowling, Trampoline park, Thames Valley adventure playground, the cinema, Art Depot Theatre to see What the Ladybird Heard and to Willow Farm to see Peter Rabbit t and his friends and of course all the animals and rides. We also had Denzil in onsite for drumming and dance workshop.

Lots of activities onsite making Valentines day cards and hearts, Chinese new year lanterns and fans, making pancakes, some of our more senior group did the actual pancake flipping, sensory messy play with colour, smells and textures and lots of other fun and creative activities.