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We delivered a birthday card to the Queen!

Children from Camden Short Breaks deliver a birthday card to Buckingham Palace

Some of the children from our Camden Short Breaks service got to go to Buckingham Palace to hand-deliver a card for the Queen's 90th birthday!

Earlier this year, Action for Children ran a competition for all the children who attend our services to make a birthday card for the Queen (the charity's patron).

Our Chief Executive, Tony Hawkhead had a tough job judging the competition as the standards were very high but there was a clear winner. Dozens of children at Camden Short Breaks joined forces - and hands - to create a giant card, with "To the Queen - Happy 90th Birthday" in Makaton (a language of signs and symbols) as the message on the front.

Yash and Orr represented the children and handed the giant card to Sir Christopher Sandamas who is Chief Clerk to the Queen in time for the Patron's Lunch which took place at the Mall on 12 June, with street performances and a picnic for 10,000 guests.

What a brilliant card and an amazing trip to Buckingham Palace! Well done to all the children at Camden Short Breaks service.