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London Disability and Family Support

Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Our Summer fun

We ran our Summer club from he 25th July to the 29th August.

Our overall theme was Race to Health which was a race we were taking part in, travelling around the world, trying new foods from different countries and doing some physical activity every day. There will be a separate news story all about this project so keep a lookout for that.

We tried new foods, made cultural arts and crafts from the different countries, listened to different music from the countries.

We also did lots of trips into the community like:

Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court, Kew Gardens, Trampoline jump parks, Battersea park & zoo, London zoo, Kidzania, Diggerland, Thames Valley adventure playground, bowling, cinema, parks, London eye, The Royal Mews, Postal Museum, 02 Cable cars,  Sea Life, Lee Valley farm to name a few.

We had lots of lovely volunteers who came and helped us on some of our trips from House of Fraser, Royal Mail, Turner and Townsend, Gap, Clinicbe and CRBE.